Garden, Landscape, and Sustainability Blog
Snackyard Tips & Tricks
Browse available plants through our Snackyard Shop

Autumn Allure: 5 Native Plants for Fall Garden Brilliance
5 Natives that will Bloom in the Fall and light your edible and ecological landscape on fire with color, texture, and beauty!

Late Summer Abundance: Time to harvest Papaws, Figs, and Muscadines!
Learn all about pawpaws, fig trees, and muscadines including how to use them in the edible landscape, how to harvest them, and what varieties we recommend in Atlanta and Georgia!

December in the Garden
Top 6 Garden Activities we Recommend in December: what we’re working on here in the Abundance Homestead including harvests, seed, and hardscape planning!

Frost Protection for your Atlanta and Georgia Garden and Citrus Trees
Learn how to properly plant and protect your fall vegetable garden and fruit trees to ensure a year-round harvest and protection from frosts! While this is specific to Atlanta and Decatur Gardens, this general knowledge is applicable to gardens and landscapes everywhere!

Pawpaw Trees & Fruit: Everything You Would Ever Want to know About this Native Georgian Fruit!
Everything you’d ever want to know about growing Pawpaws in Atlanta, Georgia, and beyond! This native fruit is a sweet treat few even know about.

October Garden Tips & Tricks for Atlanta and Georgia
What you should be doing in your Georgia in Atlanta organic vegetable garden in early fall including what to plant, what to prune, and other garden tasks to make sure your garden thrives!

Landscape Makeover: From Weedy Backyard to an Edible & Ecological Oasis in West Midtown, Atlanta
Learn about our design and build process, take a tour of the different outdoor rooms we created including a rain garden and wildflower grassland, and read more in depth about some of the plants we carefully selected to thrive in this new ecological oasis!

Late Summer Garden Tips: What should you be preparing and planting in your Georgia garden right now?
Fall gardening is almost here! Here’s a guide to preparing your garden for fall including a list of our favorite vegetables to put into your garden in September.

How to Plant a Fruit Tree in Georgia
You have your fruit trees selected, now what?! The planning and preparation phase is one of the most importants to determine the success of your fruit tree!

Grow Citrus at Home in Atlanta & Georgia
As the temperatures trend warmer, we believe you can more reliably grow citrus that will produce in Atlanta. Here’s how!